When you make a choice to invest in your future by continuing your education, you want to be sure your time is well spent. That’s where the Mt Zion Fellowship Ministerial Bible Institute offers a distinct advantage. Here, you will learn from a group of extraordinarily talented teachers with extensive knowledge on who we are as human beings created in the image of God. We choose faculty with real-world experience who bring deep understanding through the subjects that they teach. They not only offer their expertise, but their availability to answer your questions as you work through the course material. Along with your cohort, you will journey together through a transformational experience in the Mt Zion FellowshipMBI program.
Mt Zion Bible Institute provides you a golden opportunity to make yourself a useful chosen vessel of honor in the service of the Lord.
The Syllabus is structured to meet the demands of Full-time and Part-time Students and Students who prefer Online Courses.
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