Welcome to Mt Zion FC

At Mt Zion Fellowship Church, our mission is to win souls for Christ through fellowship and community outreach. We cultivate leaders for ministerial excellence and to be responsible citizens.

Mt. Zion Fellowship is a non-denominational bible believing church where real people connect to the real God that loves them, and where church is not about religion but about a relationship with God. We believe in providing sound biblical teaching from the Bible, which will enable you to serve God better.

As a group of people, we experience Jesus Christ – His love, His compassion, and His grace. He fills us with His healing spirit and calls us to follow Him. Mt. Zion Fellowship Church is a safe place where you too can experience love, acceptance, and forgiveness. We create a worship environment that nurtures faith and spiritual development.

Our focus is on reaching out into the community with a heart of compassion, building relationships with people in need, and meeting those needs with tangible acts of love. We design outreach programs to meet the needs of our communities at home and abroad. We trust that God will use you in profound ways here at Mt. Zion Fellowship Church for the ultimate advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Further, my wife and I believe that your prayers, your support, and your love are important to us and Mt Zion Fellowship church. We pray that you will be a part of the great things that the Lord is doing in our family. God bless you.

Pastor & Elder James G Mannah.

About Us

Short background history of the church:

Mt Zion Fellowship Church was founded by Pastor James G. Mannah assisted by his wife, Elder Madonna O. Mannah and supported by three men and seven women in July 2008. The church started as a home-cell group and through the grace of God the church was nurtured by God; growing daily in faith and membership; before we finally moved into 10739 Tucker Street in Beltsville. Maryland.

Mt Zion Fellowship Church was established in July 6th, 2008. The church, during the span of the years, had experienced a lot of spiritual growth, with the establishment of essential Christ-centered functional ministries, under the leadership of few dedicated leaders. Mt. Zion Fellowship church is a non-denominational organization with Pentecostal influence. We are a teaching Ministry as rooted in the word of God. We believe that no matter where you have been or what you have been through, there is a place for you in our family. We teach the values and principles of Christ while encouraging and nurturing spiritual growth. We have been blessed to be able to excel in our Overseas and Outreach ministry by successfully planting churches overseas in Sierra Leone and Ghana.

Our Vision Statement: To teach and develop disciples the uncompromising word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Mission Statement: To win Souls for Christ through fellowship and community outreach.

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